
Perhaps a lot vexed and ask around its way install XML Sitemap [in] Blogspot. If its it[him] wear Wordpress we can install plugin which automatically of Sitemap men-generate.

Can Blogspot attached like that?

Yes, of course can. Even we needn't wear plugin such as those which made by that Arne Brachhold. Blogspot have made it automatically. If Blogspot of is name of file of sitemap-nya is atom.xml. Its location in

We remain the file submiting to Google Webmaster Tools. Of course previously we need the blog mem-verifikasi beforehand.

Way of submit to Google Webmaster Tool have have been studied by this site. Please read if have forgotten or oppositely not yet understood once.

Verification of Blog.

To doverification of blog, way of easiest is by inserting META TAG among HEAD tag in Blogspot template which we wear. For that select;choose Add tag meta a at choice of Choose method verification in Google Webmaster Tools.

Menu click Arrange Situation - Edit HTML in Blogspot ( after login). Inserting code of meta tag given by Google Webmaster Tools under TITLE tag like at picture below.

click of Button Keep Template save of change. Afterwards at Google Webmaster Tools click Verify button to process verification of blog.

Including Sitemap.

Procedure to enhance is same sitemap also. Only require to be add attention that Sitemap URL have to fill with Change nama-blog by the name of blog which You have.

I think this is enough to this day, because I have many job, so try this technique. Bye...............

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