your future to make film animation

3d studio max
your future to make film

3d studio max is software to make film animation 3d, example film and game made one 3d studio max like final fantasy, toy, game guitar hero, armagedon and more. This software very popular in the world, almost everybody who work as animator, designer, and game development use this software. 3d studio max product of autodesk discreet, other product addition 3d studio max that is gmax, xinema4d, maya, and adobe illustrate, the latest version of this software is 3ds max 2009(64bit), maybe someday increase again or me will make for future,heee….heeee……just kidding ^_^.
This program for me very complete, because everything any on 3ds max, plus plugin which can help animator to complete them work, oh yess….this software also use for export model game like 3d game studio, warcraftIII, neverwinter, dx studio,reality factory, irrlicht, and panda 3d.

You can download trial version 3dsmax at or you can use google to find them. If you need plugin for 3d studio max you can find at , . and if you need tutorial for 3ds max you can find with google at bottom of this padge or with . Use this command to easy find tutorial: intitle:tutorial 3ds max filetype:pdf, with this command you can found many tutorial, one more I forget if you not register/authoreze your 3dsmax, you can’t use it again. One way you must buy license key, if you not buy license key e-mail me at ,ok good luck………..and have fun

Comments :

2 comments to “your future to make film animation”
Unknown said...

this is good article, you very help me.

ajay said...

There have been many gifs animation films over the years and this is not to be confused with the more used stop animation. gifs animation is a form of the stop motion animation but it is
designed to merge in with the live action footage to make an illusion of a real world sequence. So what are the best ones ever made